Restoring a damaged forest in Auvergne project

Lyon Airport selected a Label Bas Carbone local project aiming to restore a degraded forest in Puy-de-Dôme department in Tauves.

The heavy snowfall and storms that occurred in the winter of 2020 added to the troubles of this forest plot, which was already degraded due to parasites. 

The project's main aim is to restore the area by carefully planting and looking after specific tree species and regenerating two hectares of pectin fir and beech trees. 

Project activities also address biodiversity conservation, through the maintenance of biodiversity refuges (dead wood) and a biodiversity island representing over 5% of the area. Keeping the forest intact and healthy is important – it means it can generate wood, allow wildlife to flourish and contribute to landscape preservation. 

Learn more about the project here.

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